Sunday, May 15, 2011


Check this out- VOA Video :)

This video is about my impression during my study in the US and it was posted by VOA (Voice of America)

Sale, you got a bargain!

Have you ever experienced to buy some stuffs for some amount of  $ and than within 1-2 weeks, the price declines to half of it or even less than it? That will be the experience that you will get when you arrive to the US.
Yes, in the US, discount will bring some interesting points to the customer or even the people that never planned  to buy anything, but when they go to the shopping center and see the 50% off, or even buy 1 get 1, everybody will change their mind and grab their wallet and see how much money still remain. Consumerism is part of the problem that US faces nowadays, when people bought stuffs more than that they could afford.
Before spring break, I bought one Holister T-Shirt which cost around 30$, then after about 2 weeks, when I just got  back from spring break, I went again to the store, and found the price was 12 $ after discount and additional reduction for 50%, finally,  it costs 12$! I was so shocked and decided not to buy anything else unless it is in the final sale. LOL
But somehow, we will never know when the final sale is. Sometimes, if you just miss one day, you will miss the discount, but everything will be in the bargained price eventually.
One another experience:
I went to GAP store, and found an awesome Shirt, it was $30 that day, I wanted to buy it so eagerly, but then I decided not to buy, then in 2 weeks, it was $22, then after couple days, there was 40% additional discount for everything because that was a mother’s day. Hence, finally I got the shirt for only $13 includes the Tax J
Furthermore, usually the store will give you coupon that you could get it by register online or by signing up in their account.
Not for this:
1.      If you are very eager to buy something, just think it twice, especially for the stuff that is not that necessary to be bought.
2.    But if there is only limited item (size, color, and so forth) just buy it! Unless you will miss it.
3.      Happy shopping and enjoy the discount

It’s time to Say Good Bye

Ada pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan, that is nature and the universe makes that formula.
Bulan agustus 2010, semua anak2 dari Negara yang berbeda, beberapa dari mereka sudah saling kenal sebelumnya karena mereka sudah mengikuti pre-academic (program summer, untuk bahasa inggris), namun sayangnya, saya tidak ikut, jadi dari Atlanta (orientation) saya lansgung diterbangkan ke Wausau-Wisconsin. Dimana Wisconsin, terkenal dengan state yang asri karena merupakan state penghasil dairy product terbesar, jadi bisa dibayangkan bahwa sebagian besar state ini adalah farm, sungai dan bukit J
Selama hampir satu tahun, ada keluhan, ada pujian, ada tawa, ada tangis, ada cinta, ada kebencian, atau singkatknya ada suka dan ada duka.  Satu tahun menjalani hidup bersama dengan semua teman2 dari Negara yang berbeda, tinggal dalam 1 dorm yang sama, mengejar bus bersama, makan bersama, or even we missed the bus together. Hal itu tentunya akan membuat kenangan manis yang akan lebih indah diingat ketika kita tidak mengalaminya lagi.
Pada akhirnya, satu minggu dari sekarang, kita akan berpisah karena keadaan dan peraturan, dimana kita harus pulang ke Negara masing-masing, dan kembali menata hidup yang sebenarnya. Hal ini tentunya cukup berat dimana teman2 berasal dari berbagai Negara  yang berbeda, mereka berasal dari Guatemala, Brazil, Elsavador, Nicaragua, India, dan teman2 dari program lain yang mayoritas berasal dari central America. Kita tidak akan pernah tau kapan kita akan pernah bertemu lagi.
Dari pengalaman selama 1 tahun ini, pelajaran yang bisa diambil adalah, bahwa semua manusia itu sama, dari manapun mereka berasal,  dan alangkah indahnya jika kita dapat hidup tanpa membedakan ras, Negara ataupun agama. Karena sekali lagi setiap manusia itu sama, dan perbedaan harusnya membawa kekuatan!